Talking with Kids

These days it seems kids speak a different language than we adults.  But kids tend to know when something or someone is different.  So who better to talk to about autism than the kids your child interacts with?

The goal of talking with fellow children is to help your child be better understood and accepted by their friends, classmates, neighbours, etc.  It can be very helpful to encourage understanding that we are all different in many ways – so it’s ok to be different.  We all have challenges and we all have things we are really good at.  Children with autism often have specific challenges, but they also have amazing strengths too.

A unique service I offer is to talk with your child’s peers about what it’s like to live with autism.  I’m flexible to personally go into local classrooms, daycares, churches, etc.  For families not living close to me, I coach you, the parents, (over the phone, Skype, Facetime) to talk with confidence and ease with your child’s peers.  It doesn’t need to be a tough talk, but rather an engaged chat.  The important thing with these talks is to meet the children where they are at emotionally, mentally, socially and physically – meaning I (or you) go to them.  In fact, you may be surprised by what you learn from your child’s peers!

I wrote about my husband and my experience of going into my son’s classroom in my blog.